MCBIOS2021 Conference Registration:

MCBIOS2021 Conference only
Professional: $400
Postdoctoral Fellow: $275
Student: $175

Registration for both MCBIOS2021 and MAQC2020
Professional: $600
Postdoctoral Fellow: $400
Student: $250

Student Travel Stipends

A limited number of student/trainee travel stipends (including a registration fee waiver and/or lodging support) are available to those who apply and register by February 14, 2020. Students/trainees who are submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation are invited to apply for a stipend to help defray the cost of attending the conference. Stipends will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis and priority will be given to those selected for platform presentations. Students will be required to provide a letter of need from their advisors indicating the need for travel assistance to attend the meeting. Students with institutional support are not eligible for these funds. Expenses that are not supported by travel stipend will be the responsibility of the attendee. Travel awards will be announced March 1, 2020.

Registration for the MCBIOS 2021 Conference and Workshop

  • During the Registration Process (Click to Register), you will have the option to choose to register for the MCBIOS2020 meeting alone or jointly register for MCBIOS2020 and MAQC Meetings at a discounted rate.
    • If registering for the MCBIOS meeting only, select “Next” on the second page and choose MCBIOS 2020 from the subsequent drop-down menu. 
    • If attending both meetings, select the Discounted Registration link and it will take to the MAQC Registration site that is handling the joint meeting registrations.
  • Work through the registration screens to enter your information.
  • Payment is expected at the time of registration ((PayPal, Credit or Debit Card).
  • To make the payment, Please select the yellow button (PayPal Check Out) and you can select the grey button at the button make (Payment using debit or credit card)
  • The conference workshops are included in the meeting registration.
  • Demographic information gathered during registration will be aggregated and utilized by MCBIOS for grant applications. Member’s information is never shared or sold.