MCBIOS2021 Abstract Submission Instructions

Please use the EasyChair Portal to submit an abstract and indicate the following:

  • Indicate presentation type (Oral or Poster)
  • Indicate session preference
  • Membership Type (Professional, Post-Doc, Student)

Indicate whether Student Travel Stipend assistance is needed (only applies to student and post-doc categories)

The Abstract should not exceed 300 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. The abstract must include the following separate sections:

    Background: the context and purpose of the study

    Results: the main findings

    Conclusions: a brief summary and potential implications

There are a limited number of spots for oral presentations. If not selected for oral presentation, you will automatically be considered for poster presentation. Oral presentations will be 20 min long including questions, depending on the session program designed by the session chair. Poster size limitation: 30″W x 40″H (122cm x 91cm).

A registered author can submit multiple abstracts, as long as that author is the presenting author.

We are currently in discussions for publication of high-quality proceedings manuscripts from the MCBIOS2021 meeting in BMC Bioinformatics. The standards for acceptance in the journal are quite high and not all papers may be accepted.  The deadline for full paper submission is May 1, 2020.