Call For Session Chairs

Theme: Precision Public Health - A 2020 Vision
Date: April 6-8, 2020
Venue: SAS Institute in Cary, NC

MCBIOS2020 is the 17th annual conference of MCBIOS and will be held in conjunction with the 4th annual conference of MAQC Society (MAQC2020 will be held in the same venue between April 8-10 with the theme of “Reproducibility - A 2020 Vision”). We are currently seeking individuals who are interested in organizing a scientific session at MCBIOS2020. Please consider submitting a session proposal that falls into one of the topics listed below or related topics that you would be willing to put forward that falls into the theme “Precision Public Health - A 2020 Vision”. This year there will be 9 general scientific sessions, with each 90-minute session including 4 speakers: “Featured Speaker” (30-minute) and 3 additional speakers (20-minute time slots). If your session is selected, you will be able to select one professional speaker (or chair) and one student/postdoctoral speaker (if applicable) from the session to receive complementary registration to MCBIOS2020 and MAQC2020 conferences.

Session Categories:

  • Public health and biomedical informatics
  • Whole-genome analysis and annotation
  • Immunogenomics
  • Omics analysis and integration
  • Clinical genomics
  • Microbial bioinformatics
  • Toxicoinformatics
  • Computational chemistry and modeling
  • Network biology and medicine
  • Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Biological data visualization tools
  • Ontology and data standards
  • Systems biology and toxicology
  • Text mining
  • Deep learning
  • Biostatistics
  • Drug discovery and development
  • Environmental health and safety
  • Precision Medicine
  • Others

If you interested in developing and chairing a session, please submit a session proposal through the MCBIOS2020 online portal (Closed) by August 15th for consideration.
The session proposal should consist of the following:

  1. Session Title
  2. Your name and proposed session co-chair (if applicable)
  3. Session Category (select one topic from the topic list above)
  4. Session Overview (around 300 words)
  5. Proposed Speakers: their names/affiliations and draft presentation titles. Of note, the proposal MUST include the information about a confirmed Featured Speaker and at least 2 additional speakers.
If you have questions, please contact Steve Foley or Weida Tong for further information.